Hammer Hex
Your Magical Hammer™ is cursed and growing out of control! Fling yourself to the end before it's too late!
- Your Magical Hammer™ is growing out of control! Use magical grindstones to shrink it back down so you can escape the wizard's tower.
You can go pretty fast if you master "vaulting" with your hammer. Bunny-hop to maintain your speed!
You actually have much more time to input a jump than you think because the inputs are buffered; this means you can tap-and-release jump before you even hit the platform and you'll skip off of it quite consistently.
Benjamin Halko - Programming
BurritoEclair - Art
BluishGreenPro - Level Design
Frosto - Art
MOTHER Audio - Music
Rodney Halko - Music
Known Bugs:
- You can clip through the environment, especially when wielding a large hammer
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