A 2D black-and-white psychological horror game about a girl named Rue who struggles with insomnia, causing her to hallucinate some horrific things at night...
A 2D black-and-white psychological horror game about a girl named Rue who struggles with insomnia, causing her to hallucinate some horrific things at night...
The primary mechanic of the game is its day/night system. You start the game during the day where everything seems normal but then as it turns night the environment changes. Both day and night cycle through every minute, and there is a timer on the bottom left corner showing how long you've played.
The main goal of the game is to find and collect keys to unlock doors to different areas. These keys may be in different places depending on if it's day or night.
- Version 1.1
- Replaced doors in Quiet Lake with doors that lead to the Nexus
- (Opera GX) Fixed a bug where exiting fullscreen would also end the game