Gravity Storm - First Mission (demo2)
**You can download Gravity Storm Demo 1 and 2 on Itchio: **** **
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**Full release Trailer: **
**Gamepad and **keyboard support.
In-game tutorial.
Support for three languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese.
Five distinct levels and two bosses.
Score system.
Options to toggle vibration, screen-shake, tutorial and audio.
Music Credits:
You can only change gravity twice before touching the ground, but if you jump first, you can only do it once before touch the ground.
Shooting while crouching is very useful to dodge attacks and deal damage.
If you are having problems with spikes in the first level, you can jump or dash while holding forwardand change gravity in the air, this way you can avoid spikes much easier.
Your shots deal double damage if you are close enough to enemies.
The enhanced abilities (the ones you can perform by hold shift/left trigger), they cost power bar, and they aren't required to use, but make the game a bit easier and more fun.
v1.2.7 UPDATE:
Fixed some minor animation issues.
Added new animations when shooting up and down.
Added new animation when being hit from behind.
Small changes to the tutorial to make it more intuitive.
Fixed boss 2 freezes after pressing the pause button.
Fixed being able to pause during a dialogue.
Health drops take longer to disappear.
Checkpoint added to level 3.