mimimage alpha
Mimimage Alpha
Left arrow: move left. right arrow: move right.
up: jump. up:(while clinging to a wall): wall-jump.
down arrow: crouch. C key: basic attack and if you activated at least a rune cast spell)
down arrow: enter door, use teleport crystal.(need to be in contact with a door or a crystal)
C: basic attack, but of you have one or more runes activated you cast a spell
A,S,D,Q,W: activate rune. (each rune has it's own corresponding key and are unlocked as they become available.
V: Use spell saved on your wand
M: mute/un-mute.
Enter: Pause.
New cover art, thanks again to Melfie for making a wonderful work!
New feature: accessories. Each one gives a unique advantage, you can only have one equiped at the same time, so choose the one that fits your playstyle or experiment as you please.
Made a big change on the controls. Now you jump with up and use, A,S and D for the runes
Adjusted the level design and castle levels to teach about rune combinations earlier.
Hope this improves the game experience. Will be updating periodically......