i got bored this morning so i got idea to download gamemaker and make max verstappen bossfight. i made this in only a day and its horrible which is what i love about this game.
use ASWD to move, Left click to go faster and right click to go even faster.
also, E, R, F and C spawns a projectile, i kept it in to give the player more freedom to goof around.
The song for the Max Verstappen bossfight is "33 Max Vestappen" by Carte Blanq and Maxx Power so credits to them ig
The song for the Army Cat bossfight is "Cats" by The living tombstone so credits to him ig
Goal of the game is to defeat all the bosses (there is currently only 1). if you die, you start over.
The single number that changes from 1-4 is the weapon ID. The number constantly going down and resetting at 0 is the weapon switch cooldown.