Chicken Shooter
ArcadeShooterSingleplayerAdrenalineAlphaExcitingFrustratingGoofyKeyboard+MouseNostalgiaPixelRageShoot 'em allShortTop-down
You are a chicken shooting at racoons in space.
You are a chicken shooting at racoons in space. You and the racoons both loop around the map. There's no winning and the game restarts after you die, but you have a score in the top left. The controls are the arrow keys/WASD, the space bar, and the mouse.
Up/W = movement in the chickens direction.
Left or right/A or D = turning the chicken left or right.
Down/S/right click = chicken emergency brakes (short clicks combined with movement allows you to drift)
Space bar/left click = shoot (the egg comes out behind you)