K33P M0VIN6!

K33P M0VIN6!

FamilyPuzzleScienceSingleplayer2DCartoonChallengingCuteEndlessFull ReleaseMobile Game JamMouseShortSideThinkingVector art
Submission to the "KEEP MOVING" challenge. Bonus objective: Can be played with a single finger (thumb). Tap pieces in the lower half of the game window to add or remove pieces from a mathematical formula to match the target value.


In K33P M0VIN6 ("Keep Moving"), your goal is to survive as long as possible and accumulate as many points as you can before the monster catches up to you.

You gain additional time by building a valid mathematical formula that equals the target value shown on the right.

You can TAP (click) the pieces -- digits, operations and parentheses/brackets -- to add them to the end of the formula in the middle. You can also DRAG pieces to change their position within the formula, if you need to reposition some pieces.

Digits included in your solution give 1 or 2 seconds (0 - 4: +1 second, 5 - 9: +2 seconds). Operations give +3 seconds each. Parentheses don't provide any extra time or points.

You do NOT need to use all digits and operations! Often, there are multiple solutions, including trivial ones. However, if you utilize ALL digits and operations, you get a CLEARANCE bonus (+5 seconds).

Maximum time is 90 seconds; if you manage to get more than that, surplus time is converted into score points.


Keep in mind:

  1. Precedence of operations: Multiplication and division take precedence over addition and subtraction.

  2. Unary operators: You can, if you wish, use expressions such as 5 - - 4 (= 9) or -4+5 (= 1).

  3. Starting from round 3, you will get as many parentheses pairs as are needed for the default solution (the one that formed while the puzzle was being generated). You will also get an extra pair just in case you need it.

Some useful hints:

  1. The puzzle generator never uses a solo 0 to break up a number into an expression (so, if it wants to split e.g. 5 into an addition of two numbers, it can do 4+1 or 3+2, but not 5+0). So, if you see a 0, it is intended to be a second digit of a number such as 10, 20 etc. But you can use the 0 as a standalone number and "waste" it using "+0" or "-0" to get rid of it and get a CLEARANCE bonus, if you've discovered a different solution.

  2. The default solution (the one the game generated and then broke into individual digits and operations) always has the form A <op> B <op> ... <op> N; it never uses negative numbers or fractions of any kind (so, 3/5 will never be part of it, because that would not be a whole number).

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DeveloperAlcator Games
Number of plays623
Release date12 Oct, 2022
Last updated17 Oct, 2022
Game engineGameMaker
Maturity ratingAll ages

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