One Night At JImbo's
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One Night At JImbo's

This is a fun and challenging horror experience. You are trying to last all night in a recording studio while 5 people try to get to you.


In this game you are trying to keep an eye on the black hat brothers (Ben, Caleb, and Luke), Jimbo, and Bailey. you can monitor them on the security cameras so you can know when to flash them once they get to your room. stay alive until 6:00. There will be subtle clues telling you if someone is about to enter your room like a sound or a shadow.

Flashlight control is space or double tab on mobile.

Open camera is a swipe down either with a mouse or finger.

Switch between cameras is either number keys correlating to the cameras or just taping the screen.

Look at windows behind you is the G key or by flicking on mobile

If you see eyes in your room than flash your flashlight to get rid of them. If you see a shadow from the lightning in your room than turn around and flash your flashlight. Also make sure to check room 0 often. Every second they are in your room lets them attack faster the next time they enter.

Good Luck

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DeveloperGrahamopholitus studio
Number of plays1,391
Release date30 Jul, 2024
Last updated20 Dec, 2024
Game engineGameMaker
Maturity rating10+

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