SVPicker is made to be a customizable encounter picker and tracker.
You simply click on the area you would like to roll an encounter, and click the Pokéball.
The chosen encounter is added to the left screen, and can be removed if rolled in error, and a link to Serebii for that Pokémon is also supplied. Your progress is saved automatically, and can be reset by clicking the trash can at the bottom.
This is all managed by text files, which are imported to the program. This means you could technically alter this list to work with other games, future expansions, ect.
The area names and data are stored in text files, which include the Pokémon names and a level range. Unknown levels at this point are saved as 100 and disregarded. Lets be honest the data has taken a long time to input... and is still scarcely available and maybe inaccurate currently. The know level ranges are averaged, and used next to the Area name.
Sliding the level cap on the bottom left will recolor the area names based on difficulty of the area based on your level. Currently it does not cap the Pokémon selection.
This is the first program I have ever shared, and was made out of my passion for doing Nuzlocke's. If it is buggy, I apologize, but reach out to me via message if you would like to report a bug. Look it might be a little rough, but I don't actually know what I am doing.