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A game where you battle a friend in pong... Except you don't want to touch THESE balls!
Bounce bullets off walls, fling yourself off the edges of the map, and shoot your opponents projectiles out of the air! A fun little project I made in order to better understand rollback netcode in game maker studio 2. --Controls-- Aim: Mouse Shoot: Left Mouse or Spacebar Move: Arrow Keys or WASD --Goal-- Fire balls at the other player while avoiding the balls they fire back at you! First person to be hit 10 times loses. --Tech-- Shooting a projectile will destroy it. Firing a projectile at a wall will make it bounce off it. Touching one of the walls will bounce you off it quickly. Holding down the fire button will continuously fire as fast as possible.
Developercrinotcree studio
Number of plays260
Release date02 Aug, 2022
Last updated02 Aug, 2022
Game engineGameMaker
Maturity rating13+
Game is suitable for anyone the age of 13 or above.
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