space wave
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space wave

old school twin stick shooter with waves of enemy smart bomb ,shield ,weapons try to survive wave of enemy and get your high score on the leader board to be number one rank


Are you ready for a fast-paced and addictive twin stick shooter game? In this game, you have to blast your way through endless waves of colorful shapes that try to stop you from reaching the next level. Use your skills and reflexes to dodge, shoot, and survive as long as you can. Compete with other players around the world and see if you can get your name on the leader board. This game will challenge you with its simple but engaging gameplay, vibrant graphics, and catchy soundtrack. If you are looking for a fun and easy way to kill some time, this game is for you!

new update new bullets and big health pickups enjoy

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Developersh-ark studios
Number of plays4,048
Release date09 Mar, 2023
Last updated07 May, 2024
Game engineGameMaker
Maturity ratingAll ages

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