Balance of Souls - Demo
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Balance of Souls - Demo

PlatformerFantasyLocal MultiplayerAdrenalineDemoEndlessExcitingKeyboardPixelSideMultiplayer
Battle for your soul! Kill or die! And whatever happens, get it without getting caught!


A local multiplayer game, call your friends for this challenge! Run away from the one with the purple aura of doom, and if that's you, pass this curse on. A deadly tag, only one can survive!

Um jogo multiplayer local, chame seus amigos para esse desafio! Fuja daquele que tiver a aura roxa da perdição, e se esse for você passe essa maldição adiante. Um pega-pega mortal, Somente um pode sobreviver!

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DeveloperFenixArts studio
Number of plays62
Release date09 May, 2023
Last updated09 May, 2023
Game engineGameMaker
Maturity ratingAll ages

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