Challenge mode
Exit challenge
Eternal Darkness

HINIHINI 日に日に ( "Day by Day")

Help Hini-chan to save the city of Neo-Tokyo and destroy robots !

❤ How to play :

Survive as long as possible! Hug is not an option!


  • Move: Arrows (or WQSD)
  • Dash: Space
  • Attack: C (or Mouse Click)


  • Move: Left Analog Stick (or DPAD)
  • Dash: A (or any face buttons)
  • Attack: Right Trigger



Art/ https://twitter.com/Cheapcookiez

Dev/ https://twitter.com/eresia\_dev

Sound/ https://twitter.com/lopodyr_All the art, soundtrack, and sfxs were created for the '' #NoticeMe' jam._

❤❤❤ Special Thanks go to:

  • Our friends for the feedback
  • coffee
  • Running Chickens

Thank you very much for taking the time to play and read this message ( ´•₎౩•` ) /

Good luck on this challenge !

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